lama betul tak datang sini..again bila tgk post lama2 jadi rinduu..
Banyak nak update tapi tak berkesempatan..ada baby baru pun tak sempat nak tepek pic dia kat sini..hehe..later kita story about her plk k..
Now just to update since this blog was dedicated to him (before ..during only he's the only child I have)..then now he's 13 years old dah..dah besar..anak bujang yg besar panjang..huhu..
Alhamdulillah now he's studying in MRSM Pendang, farrrr awayyyy..huhuhu..then mommy masih bersedih till now tau to be honest even dh 5 bulan masuk sana..haha..mommy's heart is too fragile..hahaha..
So now kita tepek dlu pic 1st day daftar..lepas2 tu nanti kita sembang lagi pasal MRSM k..
lots of loveee..